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GS, HS and BRafeNHS SRCC Extend Gratitude to DLSZ Community for Success of 43rd VM Week

The SRCC (Student Representative Coordinating Council) from the Grade School (GS), High School (HS), and Br. Rafael Donato FSC Night High School (BRafeNHS) would like to sincerely thank the entire DLSZ Community for their help in making the 43rd Vision-Mission (VM) Week a success. Truly, none of our projects, events, and activities would have been possible without everyone’s participation and cooperation. With this, the presidents of the GS, HS, and BRafeNHS have prepared a video message to extend their gratitude towards everyone:

Alongside this success, we acknowledge that there is still room for improvement in regards to our planning and execution of this year’s VM Week. Thus, we would like to kindly ask for everyone’s honest evaluation of the event in order for us and the future SRCCs to soar even further. 

We would also like to mention that Fair Marketplace has been extended until December 18, 2021, while Fair Merch has extended their order period until December 10, 2021!

Though this year’s VM Week is already over, we hope to continue to 4RIS3 and emerge as One La Salle amidst any and all adversities. Animo! 

