(+632) 8771-DLSZ

Grades 1-6 (Grade School)


Application period for GRADE 1 is from December 2, 2024 to February 28, 2025.

Application period for GRADES 2 TO 6 is from January 6, 2025 to February 28, 2025. (Note: Application for Grade 6 is for Alabang campus only.)

Application period may be extended or closed depending on the availability of slots.

Regular onsite enrollment for incoming Grade School students in Alabang campus will be on the following dates:

April 25 - Grades 1 and 2

April 28 - Grades 3 and 4

April 29 - Grades 5 and 6

Regular onsite enrollment in Vermosa Campus for incoming Grades 1 to 5 will be on May 5. Onsite enrollment may also be done for Vermosa students at the Alabang Campus on the assigned dates per level.

Classes for Grades 1 to 12 will start on June 25, 2025.

For inquiries on Application Requirements and Procedures, please feel free to get in touch with us:
- Telephone Numbers: (632) 8771-3579 local 712, 790, 792 for Alabang and local 584 for Vermosa
- Mobile Numbers: 0945-8345460 (Alabang Campus) and 0945-8345457 (Vermosa Campus)
- Email:

Discover DLSZ: An Open House Event

February 1, 2025 (Alabang Campus)

  • 9:00 - 10:30 am - Pre-Kinder to Grade 6
  • 12:30 - 2:00 pm - Grade 7-10
Register now to confirm your slot:

February 8, 2025 (Vermosa Campus)

  • 9:00 - 10:30 am - Pre-K to Grade 5
  • 12:30 - 2:00 pm - Grade 7-10
  • 3:00 - 4:30 pm - Grade 11
Register now to confirm your slot:


The De La Salle Santiago Zobel School (DLSZ) is a Catholic school. Non-Catholics are admitted provided they participate in all religious activities that are required of the students. No exemption shall be granted by reason of membership in or affiliation with a different religion. 

A student’s application will be given due course when the student-applicant meets all the academic requirements and has none of the disqualification prescribed by the School, the Department of Education 2010 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education and the DLSZ Student Handbook as amended and such other rules promulgated by the School.

The school reserves the right at any time to refuse, to admit, or to re-admit students under certain conditions as enrolment in DLSZ is a privilege.


The applicant must have a general average of at least 85% with no grade lower than 80% in any subject and in conduct during any grading period.

For Grade 1, the applicant must complete a Department of Education accredited Kindergarten program by the end of the school year 2024-2025 and must have been issued a Kindergarten Certificate of Completion with the student’s Learner Reference Number (LRN).

Former students who completed at least one academic year in DLSZ, left without conditions, and transferred to another school, but wish to continue their studies at DLSZ, are considered RETURNEES.  

  • Returnees who were enrolled in other schools for only one year are exempted from taking the admissions test.
  • Returnees who were enrolled in other schools for two years or more must undergo the usual procedure for application and are required to take the admissions test.




The De La Salle Santiago Zobel School (DLSZ) is a Catholic school. Non-Catholics are admitted provided they participate in all religious activities that are required of the students. No exemption shall be granted by reason of membership in or affiliation with a different religion. 

A student’s application will be given due course when the student-applicant meets all the academic requirements and has none of the disqualification prescribed by the School, the Department of Education 2010 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education and the DLSZ Student Handbook as amended and such other rules promulgated by the School.

The school reserves the right at any time to refuse, to admit, or to re-admit students under certain conditions as enrolment in DLSZ is a privilege.


The applicant must have a general average of at least 85% with no grade lower than 80% in any subject and in conduct during any grading period.

For Grade 1, the applicant must complete a Department of Education accredited Kindergarten program by the end of the school year 2024-2025 and must have been issued a Kindergarten Certificate of Completion with the student’s Learner Reference Number (LRN).

Former students who completed at least one academic year in DLSZ, left without conditions, and transferred to another school, but wish to continue their studies at DLSZ, are considered RETURNEES.  

  • Returnees who were enrolled in other schools for only one year are exempted from taking the admissions test.
  • Returnees who were enrolled in other schools for two years or more must undergo the usual procedure for application and are required to take the admissions test.


Application period for GRADE 1 is from December 2, 2024 to February 28, 2025.

Application period for GRADES 2 TO 6 is from January 6, 2025 to February 28, 2025. (Note: Application for Grade 6 is for Alabang campus only.)

Application period may be extended or closed depending on the availability of slots.

Regular onsite enrollment for incoming Grade School students in Alabang campus will be on the following dates:

April 25 - Grades 1 and 2

April 28 - Grades 3 and 4

April 29 - Grades 5 and 6

Regular onsite enrollment in Vermosa Campus for incoming Grades 1 to 5 will be on May 5. Onsite enrollment may also be done for Vermosa students at the Alabang Campus on the assigned dates per level.

Classes for Grades 1 to 12 will start on June 25, 2025.

For inquiries on Application Requirements and Procedures, please feel free to get in touch with us:
- Telephone Numbers: (632) 8771-3579 local 712, 790, 792 for Alabang and local 584 for Vermosa
- Mobile Numbers: 0945-8345460 (Alabang Campus) and 0945-8345457 (Vermosa Campus)
- Email:

Discover DLSZ: An Open House Event

February 1, 2025 (Alabang Campus)

  • 9:00 - 10:30 am - Pre-Kinder to Grade 6
  • 12:30 - 2:00 pm - Grade 7-10
Register now to confirm your slot:

February 8, 2025 (Vermosa Campus)

  • 9:00 - 10:30 am - Pre-K to Grade 5
  • 12:30 - 2:00 pm - Grade 7-10
  • 3:00 - 4:30 pm - Grade 11
Register now to confirm your slot:

Application Phase

Pre-Enrollment Phase

Enrollment Phase



Important: All application requirements are to be uploaded to the DLSZ Admissions Portal. All submitted documents (digital or physical) in compliance with the application requirements shall become the property of DLSZ and are NOT to be returned to the applicant.



  • Application Confirmation Slip*, Data Privacy Statement Consent Form*, Withdrawal Policy*
  • Waiver for Non-Catholics* (if applicable)
  • Declaration of Student’s Pre-existing Condition/s Prior to Admission*
  • Birth certificate
  • - For Filipinos: Original PSA Birth Certificate
  • - For Dual Filipino Citizens:
  • a) Original Copy of Birth Certificate AND
  • b) (1) Copy of the valid Philippine passport OR (2) Copy of Identification Certificate as Filipino/Certificate of Recognition as Filipino Citizen/ Naturalization Certificate as Filipino (Note: As a general rule, dual citizens are classified as Filipinos upon submission of any of the two proofs of Philippine citizenship stated above as mentioned in
  • 2x2 ID photo (recent, close-up, with white background) for uploading in the portal only
  • Proof of Application and Testing Fee payment (Official Receipt or via DLSZ pay)
  • Report card for AY 2024-2025 (with grades for at least one quarter/term at the time of application) - front and back with name of student, grade level, school logo, LRN. (For Grade 1 applicants only: Aside from the report card, if LRN is not yet available, please upload as well the Kindergarten Certificate of Enrollment in the Learner Information System.)
  • Report card for AY 2023-2024 (complete grades) - front and back with the name of student, grade level, school logo, LRN.
  • For underage Grade 1 applicants only (i.e. not yet 6 years old on or before August 31, 2025), Certification of Enrollment in the Learner Information System with LRN
  • Only for those coming from international schools and/or schools abroad - Course Description of all subjects taken of all levels attended may also be required from the applicant upon evaluation
  • *Note: All requirements (except for the Recommendation Form) are to be uploaded by the applicant’s parents directly to the DLSZ Admissions Portal.
  • DLSZ Recommendation Form* accomplished by a teacher/counsellor (from AY 2024-2025) and sent directly via email to Only the Admissions Office personnel can mark the recommendation form as done/complete.


  • Copy of Birth Certificate from the Office of the Civil Registry of the respective country of birth, translated into English, or Embassy Certificate of birth details
  • Copy of Valid Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR I-card) issued by the Bureau of Immigration (front and back)
  • Copy of Valid Passport (photo page)
  • Copy of Valid Passport (latest VISA page) and, if available, other valid Visa Identification document e.g. Special Investor’s Resident Visa (SIRV), Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV), PRA
  • *Note:
  • - All international students admitted to DLSZ must have a valid visa or permit to study as mandated by the Philippine Immigration Law.
  • - Tourist Visa and Balikbayan Visa holders are required by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) to apply for a Special Study Permit (SSP). DLSZ will provide assistance in the processing of the SSP once the applicant is confirmed for enrollment. For questions/clarification, you may email


Important: This set of procedures is only applicable to applicants who passed the application and testing phase. All accepted applicants who are in the Philippines are highly encouraged to confirm and proceed with their enrollment ONSITE. New students who are abroad during the pre-enrollment and/or enrollment period will be allowed to make online payments of the Development Fee, tuition, and other fees. All submitted documents in compliance with the pre-enrollment requirements shall become the property of DLSZ and are NOT to be returned to the applicant. FAILURE TO CONFIRM ENROLLMENT WITHIN THE GIVEN TIME FRAME MAY FORFEIT THE APPLICANT’S ADMISSION TO DE LA SALLE ZOBEL SCHOOL.




Important: All submitted documents in compliance with the enrollment requirements shall become the property of DLSZ and are NOT to be returned to the student.



  • The following physical enrollment requirements must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office in either Alabang or Vermosa Campus on or before August 31, 2025:
  • Original Copy of Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority or its equivalent if the student is born abroad.
  • Original Final Report Card of the current level for AY 2024-2025 signed by the School Head/Registrar which indicates the level completed and the level the student is eligible for admission to.
  • For applicants coming from schools overseas: Original Copy of the Apostille / Authentication Certification and attachments
  • Transcript of Records - This will be sent directly by the previous school to DLSZ Registrar’s Office. If this will be submitted personally by the parents, it must be in a sealed envelope.
  • Alabang Campus: REGISTRAR’S OFFICE De La Salle Zobel School University Avenue, Ayala Alabang Village Muntinlupa City 1780 (Office number: 87713579 local 710 and 792)
  • Vermosa Campus: REGISTRAR’S OFFICE De La Salle Zobel School Pasong Buaya II Imus City, Cavite 4103 (Office number: 87713579 local 584)


  1. Upon recommendation by the Admissions Board or the Filipino Subject Area Coordinator, a student may be required to attend a Special Filipino Class and will be charged the Special Filipino Fee.
  2. International students required by the Bureau of Immigration to apply for a Special Study Permit will be charged a PHP 15,000 processing fee.  Please refer to the Memo for International Students.

For inquiries on Application Requirements and Procedures,

  • Visit the Admissions Office at the following campuses:
    • Alabang Campus: Lower ground floor of the St. La Salle Building
    • Vermosa Campus: Second floor of the Admin-Annex Building 
  • Call the Admissions Office at any of the following phone numbers:
    • Telephone Numbers: (632) 8771-3579  local 712, 790, 792 for Alabang and local 584 for Vermosa 
    • Mobile Numbers: 0945-8345460 (Alabang Campus) and 0945-8345457 (Vermosa Campus)
  • Send the Admissions Office an email at