Copy of Apostille / Authentication Certificate
Bring all academic records (report cards and/or transcript of records) to the Office of the Philippine Embassy/Office of the Consular Official in the country which has jurisdiction over the issuing school and secure Apostille / Authentication Certificate. All documents must have an English translation of the entries particularly the name of the student, subjects (with descriptions), grades and grade level.
The Application Fee rate will be based on the nationality of the applicant at the time of the application. For those with on-going petition for Dual Citizenship, please submit as proof a photocopy of the Official Receipt and Receiving Copy of Requirements from the Philippine Consulate or the Bureau of Immigration.
All submitted documents in compliance with the entrance examination requirements shall become the property of DLSZ and are NOT to be returned to the applicant.
All payments to the school may be made via online using BILLS PAYMENT FACILITY via internet banking by using your bank’s mobile app or website to transfer funds to the school’s bank accounts with the following details:
Account Name: De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, Inc.
Bank/Account Number: Union Bank CA 018-03-000-6691
Bank/Account Number: BPI CA 3161 0475 88
Bank/Account Number: Banco De Oro CA 011818000541
Institution Code: 1258
Subscriber’s Name: Student Name / Student Number
Remarks: Student’s Name / Application or Student Number / Purpose of Payment
DLSZ online payment facility ( or through the Family Portal link using your credit card or online banking accounts using the BILLS PAYMENT FACILITY with the following details:
Account Name: De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, Inc.
Bank/Account Number: Union Bank CA 018-03-000-6691
Bank/Account Number: BPI CA 3161 0475 88
Bank/Account Number: Banco De Oro CA 011818000541
Institution Code: 1258
Subscriber’s Name: Student Name / Student Number
Account: Enrollment / Application / Development Fee
Remarks: Student’s Name / Application or Student Number / Purpose of payment
Over-the-counter payments can be made at any Union Bank or BDO branch using the Bills Payment Slip with the following details:
Payment for (Company/Institution): De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, Inc. Client Name/Subscriber’s Name: Student’s Name
Reference Number: Student Number / Application Number
Union Bank Account Number: CA 018-03-000-6691
Banco De Oro Bank Account Number: CA 011818000541
Institution Code: 1258
Important: To facilitate the processing/posting of payments, please strictly use the bill payment form (not a deposit slip).
▪ When using the BPI Bills Payment facility, the letter S in the student number must be replaced with 0.
▪ Please also send the proof of payments to or upload this through the Family Portal.
1. Upon recommendation by the Admissions Board or the Filipino Subject Area Coordinator, a student may be required to attend a Special Filipino Class and will be charged the Special Filipino Fee.
2. International students required by the Bureau of Immigration to apply for a Special Study Permit will be charged PhP 8,000.
All submitted physical documents in compliance with the application requirements shall become the property of DLSZ and are NOT to be returned to the applicant.