De La Salle Santiago Zobel School is proud to be a Leader in Me School. Leader in Me is a whole-school improvement process based on the idea that everyone can be a leader. This evidence-based approach empowers students with the leadership and life-skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. We focus on developing the whole-child by:
DLSZ launched the Lasallian Leader in Me (LLIM) Initiative for AY 2021-2022. The LLIM is our strategic and critical leadership culture-building initiative that empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need – such as grit, perseverance, adaptability, self-discipline, among others – to thrive in the 21st century. Our end in mind is to make a Leader of every Lasallian – student, teacher, administrator, parent. Capable of Leading is one of the 10 indicators of the Lasallian Core Values (LCV) that we have been teaching and imparting to our students and partners for years. We thus continue to build on the Leadership Culture through the LLIM initiative. When the 7 Habits are practiced regularly and lived out committedly, they become meaningful to our students and Lasallian partners. These habits are the concrete ways by which they can apply and translate our LCVs of Faith, Zeal for Service, and Communion in Mission in real-life contexts and situations.