The De La Salle Santiago Zobel School (DLSZ) is a Catholic school. Non-Catholics are admitted provided they participate in all religious activities that are required of the students. No exemption shall be granted by reason of membership in or affiliation with a different religion.
A student’s application will be given due course when the student-applicant meets all the academic requirements and has none of the disqualification prescribed by the School, the Department of Education 2010 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education and the DLSZ Student Handbook as amended and such other rules promulgated by the School.
The school reserves the right at any time to refuse, to admit, or to re-admit students under certain conditions as enrolment in DLSZ is a privilege.
Day School Application Schedule
BRafeNHS Application Schedule
– Pre-Kinder and Kinder
- Grades 1 to 6
– Grade 7 to 10 (Junior High School)
– Grade 11 to 12 (Senior High School)
– Br. Rafael Donato Night High School (BRafeNHS Grade 7 and Grade 10 only)
Alabang Campus
Vermosa Campus
For Day School only: Senior High School Tracks and Strands
Academic Track
Arts and Design Track
For BRafeNHS only: Senior High School Tracks and Strands
Academic Track – General Academic (GA) Strand
Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track – Information And Communications Technology (ICT) Strand