DLSZ students and Lasallian Partners can now download Microsoft software for FREE to use for learning, teaching and research. DreamSpark, a Microsoft program, allows everyone (with a dlszobel.edu.ph email account) to experience a wide range of Microsoft software on his/her personal home computer. Most software offered through DLSZ’s DreamSpark Web Store are for design and...Read More
De La Salle Santiago Zobel is issuing the following letter to parents and guardians on health and safety concerns. Please read: Letter on Health and SafetyRead More
The AY 2015-2016 Traffic Management Scheme is based on the AAVA’s traffic plan that was received by DLSZ last weekend. The following changes will be implemented this AY: All DLSZ School-Bound traffic should go through Madrigal Ave. and University Ave.; Acacia Gate will be the exit point of vehicles with valid AAVA stickers and carpool...Read More
Parents’ Bulletin No.13 discusses the AAVA’s Modified Sticker System as communicated through their letter to De La Salle Santiago Zobel School last May 14, 2015. Attached to the Bulletin is a survey form to gather feedback from Parents and Guardians about the Modified Sticker System. We request that survey be submitted on or before May 26,...Read More
The PEARL eBooks are now available.* These are for Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 3rd year High School. For instructions on how to download, please refer to the following: http://links.dlszobel.edu.ph/ebooks-download-2015-iOS (iPad / iOS 8) http://links.dlszobel.edu.ph/ebooks-download-2015-Windows (Windows 8.1 tablet) Instructions for Android devices will be made available after the new version of the DLSZ E-Reader...Read More
The Card Distribution will be held tomorrow, April 15, 2015 from 8:00am to 12:00nn at the Sports Pavilion for all undergraduate levels. Beyond this specified time, all report cards may be claimed from the Registrar’s Office from 1:00pm – 3:00 pm only. To avoid any inconvenience, please check the Family Portal for your child’s clearance and...Read More
The PEARL ebooks are now available.* These are for Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2nd year and 3rd year high school. For instructions on how to download, please refer to the following: http://links.dlszobel.edu.ph/ebooks-download-2014 Ebook license codes are viewable through the PEARL section of the Family Portal. *A few ebooks are not yet downloadable. For...Read More
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School will be dispatching the 2nd batch of relief goods for Guiuan, Samar through the generosity of AIR21. Guiuan was one of the towns that was first hit by typhoon Yolanda.Read More
DLSZ through its Social Action Office (SAO) now accepts donations for the affected communities in the recent Typhoon Yolanda. Kindly bring all donations to Gate 2, 3, and 7.Read More