Written By: Julia Bernadette Cruz (DLSZ 2026)
DLSZ congratulates the Goals for Excellence in Mathematics (GEM) Mathletes for their podium finishes in the Team Regional Finals (Silver) and Category B Individual (Bronze) of the Metrobank- Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines (MTAP) Department of Education Math Challenge held last April 13 and 20, 2024 respectively, in Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong City.
The following students represented DLSZ in this esteemed event:
Team Category, Silver
- Jacob Bernas (DLSZ 2026)
- Julia Bernadette Cruz (DLSZ 2026)
- Juan Sebastian Viernes (DLSZ 2026)
Individual Category, Bronze
- Jacob Bernas (DLSZ 2026)
Coach: Ms. Julienne Fresnido
- Santino Alexander Austria (DLSZ 2027)
- Julia Bernadette Cruz (DLSZ 2026)
- Juan Sebastian Viernes (DLSZ 2026)
Coach: Mr. Charles John Rey Alamo
Hosted by the MTAP, this competition had DLSZ battle other private schools, science high schools, and Chinese schools in the NCR. The representatives’ high-scoring elimination round performances qualified them for the Individual Written Regional Finals, where Jacob Bernas (DLSZ 2026) placed 3rd among 20 Grade 10 finalists.
The stellar performances of Jacob Bernas (DLSZ 2026), Julia Bernadette Cruz (DLSZ 2026), and Sebastian Viernes (DLSZ 2026) also brought DLSZ to the Grade 10 Category of the Team Oral Regional Finals. After a grueling battle, the trio landed 2nd among 18 schools.
This achievement shows the students’ dedication and passion for the world of mathematics, as well as the continued efforts of the GEM program to develop students’ mathematical abilities, grit, and diligence.
Congratulations once again to all the participants and their respective coaches. Animo La Salle!