In line with the Lasallian Mentor’s Day every January 26 as declared by De La Salle Philippines, the DLSZ community recognizes the special contribution of the Lasallian Staff and Administrative Service Personnel (ASP) in the educational ministry. Hence, Br. Bernard S. Oca FSC, DLSZ President, declared January 25 as Lasallian Staff/ASP Day for this Academic Year 2017 – 2018.
To allow all Staff and ASP to attend this event, only the following offices shall be closed on January 25, 2018, 11:30 AM onwards:
- Accounting Office
- Registrar’s/Admissions Office
- Bookstore
- Purchasing Office
- Information Systems and Technology Services Department (ISTS)
- Human Resource Management and Development Department (HRMDD)
The Student Representative Coordinating Councils, in collaboration with the Student Clubs and Activities Office, Lasallian Formation and Mission Department, HRMDD, and the President’s Office, prepared a fellowship lunch that will start at 11:30 AM followed by a special program to be held at the Sylvia P. Lina Theater – Center for Performing Arts Lobby.
Regular office operations will resume on January 26, 2018.