The Card Distribution will be held tomorrow, April 15, 2015 from 8:00am to 12:00nn at the Sports Pavilion for all undergraduate levels. Beyond this specified time, all report cards may be claimed from the Registrar’s Office from 1:00pm – 3:00 pm only. To avoid any inconvenience, please check the Family Portal for your child’s clearance and...Read More
An additional 10% tuition fee increase and the additional Php 10,000 campus development fee for incoming grades 1 and 7 DLSZ students for Academic Year 2015-2016. This was presented to parents and guardians of incoming grades 1 and 7 DLSZ students in a memorandum dated February 11, 2015 (the Memorandum). View the Memorandum and Q&A...Read More
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School’s administration has created a comprehensive program of action for addressing various issues affecting the immediate vicinity of the DLSZ campus, including traffic flow and management, reduction of vehicles, air quality, and enforcement of traffic and community rules. The plan was presented on March 7, 2015 (Saturday) to various stakeholders of the...Read More
DLSZ Parents and Guardians are invited to attend the Meet & Greet for Prospective Carpoolers this Saturday, March 21, 2015, 10:00am at the School’s Sports Pavilion. Carpool Discovery module and other related matters will be further discussed during this Saturday’s Meet and Greet. Please viewRead More
The GREEN Raffle Grand Draw is two days away! You have a chance to HELP OUR SCHOLARS WIN IN LIFE and win awesome prizes when you buy your tickets now. Deadline of payments and dropping of raffle stubs on March 11,Wednesday.Read More
Br. Bernard S. Oca invites various stakeholders in the community including De La Salle Santiago Zobel School (DLSZ) parents and guardians, Ayala Alabang Village Association, Inc., Barangay Ayala Alabang, the Neighborhood and the rest of DLSZ Community, to attend a formal presentation by the Administrators of DLSZ of a proposed traffic management and community relations plan on March 7, 2015...Read More
For the last time, Br. Bernard S. Oca FSC seeks for your support to sell tickets to your family, friends, and colleagues so we can raise a substantial amount for the One La Salle Scholarship Fund. The GREEN Raffle Grand Draw will be on March 12, 2015. Please click to view letter. Read More
The Brother President sends Parents’ Bulletin No. 8 regarding updates on AAVA’s two new “measures” which will take effect on Monday, March 2. For details please view [gview file=””] Note: If you are unable to view the document, please click on the Download link.Read More
DLSZ Admissions announces that the applications for Grades 6, 7 and 8 in the Day School will only be accepted until March 6, 2015. Please be guided accordingly.Read More