(+632) 8771-DLSZ

Application for AY 2025-2026 is now open

Meaningful, transformative, and empowering change.
It begins here, at De La Salle Santiago Zobel School.

The commitment to shape the leaders of tomorrow is the thread that weaves through a DLSZ education. The resulting tapestry of efforts of Learners, Educators, and Partners is a life-long journey, manifesting the Lasallian Core Values of Faith, Service, and Communion in Mission.

Here, it begins by way of Integrated Challenge-Based Learning, a forward-thinking, future-proof blueprint for education that is in sync with the student’s developmental stages.

Here, students and teachers think differently.

Here, is a movement for change to shape fully-engage leaders with a shared passion for positive change.

Begin your transformative Lasallian journey today!

