(+632) 8771-DLSZ

DLSZ Students Shine in MOS National Championships

Congratulations to the following students who have committed to training and passed the certification exam in the recent Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) National Championships, in collaboration with DLSZ’s Education Technology Unit and Audentes Technologies Inc.

  • Andre Habulan Paris (DLSZ 2025) – MOS Excel;
  • Diego David Yason (DLSZ 2023) – MOS Word;
  • Jholan Santos Villapando (DLSZ BRafeNHS 2023) – MOS Word;
  • James Phillip Bumatay Ho (DLSZ 2022) – MOS Word; and
  • Princess Diane Macabare Napigkit (DLSZ BrafeNHS 2022) – MOS Word.

James Phillip Bumatay Ho qualified for the MOS World Championship and he will be competing against international students in November 2021 Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship (

