The DLSZ Senior High School will hold its first Academic Expo entitled, Kaya ni Juan Towards Sustainable Development, for Grade 12 students on January 17 – 19, 2018 at the SPARK Activity area in the school’s Vermosa Campus. All academic strands (STEM, HUMSS and ABM) including the Arts and Design Track will feature varied student-organized activities that are part of their Integrated Performance Task for Term 2 of AY 2017 – 2018.
Students under the STEM strand will showcase their scientific research outputs while the ABM students will pitch their business proposals and sell product samples. On the other hand, awareness talks, fora and panel discussions have been organized by the HUMSS students. Recognized resource speakers have been invited to enlighten the students on how they can become more engaged in ensuring good governance and to cultivate in them socio-civic mindedness and nationalism.
In preparation for the Academic Expo, the Gr. 12 students have gone through scaffolding activities since December 2017. They also attended E-conferences with expert professionals relevant to the expected outputs in their respective academic strands. Last October 9, 2017, they also participated in a forum on the UNICEF 17 Sustainable Goals.
Several officials of DepEd Division of Makati and administrators and teachers from La Salle Grenhills and Our Lady of the Abandoned School are expected to come and witness the students’ various academic outputs during this Expo. Partnered, a project-management company and technology aggregator that deals with research-funding projects, is also expected to come.