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Students Receive Awards in Hong Kong Math Competition

Congratulations to the following for winning in the concluded Olympics Mathematics 3D Cup Pan Asia Pacific International Invitation Competition 2018 held last June 29-July 3 in Hong Kong, China:

  • Marcus Julian Ocho (DLSZ 2022) – Silver Medal
  • Eddrian Costes (DLSZ 2023) – Bronze Medal
  • Bjorn Isaac Escalona (DLSZ 2023) – Bronze Medal
  • Gian Nicolas Casimiro (DLSZ 2027) – Merit Award
  • Alex Gohockaun Goh (DLSZ 2025) – Merit Award
  • Sofia Annika Ysabel Pagilagan (DLSZ 2027) – Merit Award

The competition was participated in by different schools from Hongkong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Indonesia, Macau, and Philippines.
Kudos to their coach and Junior High School Math Teacher, Mr. Gerald Ferrer.

(L-R): Mr. Gerard Ferrer, Marcus Ocho,
(L-R): Mr. Gerard Ferrer, Marcus Ocho, Alex Goh, Gian Casimiro, Sofia Pagilagan, Eddrian Costes, Bjorn Escalona and Mr. Albert Pagilagan.

