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JHS Students Win in Python Programming Contest

The following JHS students won at the first local Hong Kong International Computing Olympiad (HKICO), Heat Round, held online last July 5, 2020. 

  • Chelsea Lianne T. Gomez (DLSZ 2023) – Gold
  • Martin Johan M. Ocho (DLSZ 2023) – Bronze

HKICO is a contest based on computational thinking which involves problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programs and apps. The programming languages include: Scratch, Blockly, Python, Java C++. Ocho and Gomez competed in Python.

Ocho and Gomez, together with Maria Tricia Jasmin M. Ocho (DLSZ 2025) also joined the Asian Math Science League’s Informatics Enrichment Program (AIEP), a 10-Saturday Training Program that focuses on promoting computational and logical thinking skills among students in the primary and secondary level. It promotes problem-solving skills and informatics concepts such as algorithmic design, pattern recognition, abstraction, among others. It aims to develop students’ awareness and interest in coding and programming. This program is in partnership with the National Olympiad in Informatics, Philippines (NOI).

